"In Elusive Dawn, author Gabriele Wills shows talent that is anything but elusive. Her skillfully crafted scenes populated by well drawn characters will pull readers into the story and not let go until the very last page. Although this is the second book in the series, it also works as a stand-alone. The author's passion for this story shows through her powerful descriptions, emotional turning points, and bigger-than-life setting. With a story this awesome, I'm sure fans will be looking for more from Gabriele Wills. The story is strong and has emotional arcs in all the right places. " - Writer's Digest Magazine
"Just like The Summer Before the Storm, Elusive Dawn had me riveted from the beginning. Once again Gabriele Wills has done an almost superhuman amount of research and has managed to combine her knowledge into an incredibly readable book about the horrors of war. The characters are every bit as relatable as they were when we first met them. Even though the book is largely set overseas where the war is taking place, I loved that some of the scenes were set back in Muskoka with the characters who weren't fighting in the war. The fact that I enjoyed Elusive Dawn so much is a compliment to the author, as I don't tend to gravitate towards historical fiction all that often. The more serious sections about the war are interspersed with lighter and more personal fare, so that we can continue to get to know the characters that we met in the last book. Wills has written a worthy follow-up to The Summer Before the Storm, and I eagerly anticipate the release of the final book in the series." - The Book Chick - Jonita Fex "Was mich in diesem zweiten Band immer wieder fasziniert hat, waren die Gegensätze, die das Leben dieser jungen Menschen prägten - die meisten kamen aus einem begüterten Elternhaus, waren über alle Maßen verwöhnt, hatten es noch nie nötig gehabt, sich selbst ein Bad einzulassen oder gar einen benutzten Teller abzuwaschen, und nun mussten sie sich unter primitivsten Verhältnissen einrichten, alle nur erdenklichen Entbehrungen ertragen und Heldentaten vollbringen, auf die sie in keiner Weise vorbereitet waren. Gleichwohl blieben sie privilegiert, denn im Urlaub oder nach einer Verwundung kehrten sie vorübergehend in ihre eigene Welt zurück (repräsentiert durch Verwandte und Freunde in Großbritannien), in der Geld und Beziehungen immer noch ein vergleichsweise luxuriöses Leben gewährten... bis sie wieder zurück an die Front mussten, um neue Herausforderungen zu bestehen. Indem sie diese Welten gegeneinander setzt und zeigt, wie sie sich gegenseitig beeinflussen, schickt die Autorin ihre LeserInnen auf eine Reise durch Himmel und Hölle, jagt sie über eine Achterbahn der Gefühle und lässt sie an der beeindruckenden persönlichen Entwicklung ihrer Protagonisten teilnehmen. Nicht alle überleben, aber wer überlebt, ist von Grund auf ein anderer Mensch geworden. Beide Bücher haben alles, was man sich von einem guten historischen Roman nur wünschen kann: Die Handlung ist spannend und fesselnd, die (fiktiven) Charaktere entfalten sich oft überraschend, aber doch immer psycholgisch nachvollziehbar und hinterlassen tiefe Spuren, der historische Rahmen ist hervorragend recherchiert und packend geschildert, und ganz nebenbei lernt man eine Menge über den Ersten Weltkrieg und gewinnt tiefe Einsichten in das Lebensgefühl einer ganzen Generation und ihrer Zeit." - Gisela Kretzschmar, Bücher im Blickpunkt "Elusive Dawn is a very moving piece of WWI fiction and certainly as good as the first book in the series.... Will's prose is fresh and poetic. She captures the period in great detail. I could picture every scene in the book, like I was there.... If you are a fan of Downton Abbey, trust me, you will love this series!" - So Many Precious Books, So Little Time "The characters are very real, and their development felt honest without becoming melancholy - something that's not easy when you're talking about such a grim time period. This is shaping up to be an excellent historical drama series which will fully immerse its readers in World War I era life. I highly recommend it." - Reading to Penguins "I enjoyed Elusive Dawn as much as I enjoyed The Summer Before the Storm. I highly recommend you read Elusive Dawn. There are definitely similarities with the Downton Abbey series, as well as the beloved Maisie Dobbs novels set during the same time." - M. Denise Costello |
"The Summer Before The Storm and Elusive Dawn are not only well written, suspenseful, and enjoyable, but also historically accurate. The amazing amount of research provides an excellent educational background on the Great War and on aviation. The writer obviously has a keen interest in and knowledge of the subject." - Arthur Bishop, WWII pilot and author, son of Billy Bishop, VC, Britain's top WWI Ace (who makes an appearance in Elusive Dawn)
"Gabriele Wills has once again combined impeccable research, actual events and real people with a finely embroidered story, poignant and vividly detailed. The letters between family & friends interspersed with the narrative added a sense of intimacy and authenticity that I adored. Elusive Dawn has it all, everything I love about historical fiction. I can't applaud Gabriele Wills enough; it probably sounds trite but these characters feel like friends, I'm completely invested in their lives - I've shared their joys and sorrows, their tears, laughter and pain and I'm anxious to find out what's in store for them in the final book, Under the Moon." - The Eclectic Reader "It was so easy to open this novel and start reading about this wonderfully crafted world. I felt as though I had never left it. Elusive Dawn showed events, both big and small in a changing world, and how characters that I love deal with them and each other. The second book of The Muskoka Novels was more intense but written with scenes of simplicity and beauty. I felt the characters evolved more and their actions, both good and bad, were completely in keeping with how I believed they should behave. Ms. Wills writes eloquently and evocatively about the changing world and how it affected the Wyndham family and the other characters. Lesser authors sometimes gloss over events like that, using them to provide a backdrop. In Elusive Dawn, the horrors are ever present and, sometimes, I turned the page apprehensively... not always wanting to know what happened but also needing to know. Yes, I read this book so quickly and cannot wait for the final book in the series." - Bags, Books, and Bon Jovi "The second in Wills' Muskoka trilogy, Elusive Dawn is the continuation of the gripping tale that started in The Summer Before the Storm. The action is continuous and yet, like the war years for those that lived them, it also feels never ending, as if placid normalcy will never again return. Because the characters feel like old friends, the reader feels their losses and crushing devastations deeply. The whole is well researched and the historical information is not only fascinating in and of itself but it is seamlessly integrated into the plot as well. Book Two of this trilogy is gripping and I can't wait to read the conclusion to this big and ambitious saga." - BookNAround "When the last book ended I was on the edge of my seat.… Wills writes her characters in such a way that you literally feel like you're on this journey with them. The second book in this series is fantastic. It's fast paced, full of action, and of course there is no shortage of romance. The more of the Muskoka novels I read, the more enraptured I become. I can't wait to read the next book in the series, Under The Moon." - To Read, or Not to Read "One of the things I really loved about this book was that we get a glimpse into all the lives of the characters from the first book… Once I got into the story I was hooked, I couldn't put the first book down, and I can easily say the same for the second. Despite the fact that it was over 500 pages, I devoured the story in just over a day…. Would I recommend this book? In a heartbeat! I can't tell you enough how much I adored this book and the characters it holds…. Would I read more by this author? Oh yes, I've already started eyeing the 3rd book in the series and I'm itching to get my hands on it!" - Stitch - Read - Cook "The book is overflowing with characters that draw the reader into the story. The author does an amazing job of interlacing each of them together into a beautiful tapestry that showcases the strength of family bonds and the ultimate power of love. Gabriele Wills not only crafts memorable characters, she also expertly depicts the war and its effects on both the men at the front lines and the women waiting for them back home. I recommend this novel not only to historical fiction fans, but to readers who crave an emotional experience with characters who start to feel like family. I, for one, can't wait to follow these characters to the next book, Under the Moon. Until then, I will miss them." - Mom in Love with Fiction "Ms. Wills has a remarkable way of dropping her characters into the history of the time seamlessly. The book is historically accurate but the reader never feels as if they are reading a boring history textbook. She truly brings history alive through her descriptions and her characters. I didn't want the story to end and this was not a short, easy read. I am very much looking forward to the finale of this exciting trilogy." - Broken Teepee "I love fictional novels that bring history to life in a personal way. Yes, the novel is fictional, but it helps the reader understand how history shapes the lives of individuals. The author's descriptive writing style paints a vivid picture of the characters, their surroundings and the events of the day. Gabriele Wills is a skilled author who expertly weaves this family saga together. I'm looking forward to book 3!" - Sweeps 4 Bloggers "Elusive Dawn is beautifully written. Gabriele Wills has a poetic way with her words and she paints a marvelous story for her readers. There was never a moment in reading Elusive Dawn that I wasn't completely captivated with the story. I absolutely adore Gabriele Wills and look forward to reading the third novel in this trilogy as well as anything else from her!" - Peaceful Wishing |
The Muskoka and other Novels | Reviews |